Thursday, November 29, 2007

planes, trains, and automobiles

I am back. I have been back for almost a week now. What a trip. Really nice to see all my family for the holiday. It was busy and scheduled pretty tight. It would be cool to just hang out with my family some time instead of "doing" things all the time. I miss just laying in bed with my grandma watching movies. she always has the best pillows- and lots of them! She looked great! You could tell some of the family members were a little stressed out! So glad they weren't here for the holiday!
Thanksgiving dinner we had at their local c.c. Pretty good, just missing the real traditional stuffing and mashed potatoes. I gave the last piece of pumpkin pie to my dad, and sucked it up by eating the decedent chocolate cake! Oh, the sacrifices..
Did I mention that the trip to and from was the real adventure? We were lugging a car seat (not just a little one, a monster of a car seat), 3 carry ons, and the boys? I learned pretty quick that you can hail down those electronic cars like taxis! I was going down the escalator and one started going away, I yelled out "Don't you see us?! You can't leave!" He radioed in backup.
Taking the boys' shoes off and putting their lovies on the xray machine was not a happy time.
My dad stayed relatively calm and collected throughout. I was impressed. Probably figured we were in hell and there was no turning back now.
The next day I had a huge bruise all across my shoulder and collar bone from all the carry ons. I told my cousin I was a little sore and Mc replied.. " It will make you stronger!" yeah right.. carrying around heavy shit all day and juggling children will make my skin thicker and less prone to bruising.
On the way back almost to CLE airport, we had to fly through the overcast clouds. It was cool to watch Sam's eyes bug out of his head. He couldn't believe we were going through the clouds. I told him he was sort of like a care bear (since they even get to drive around in cars made of clouds). "Me?! CareBears like me?" it was cute!
The stewardesses both ways were, uh, um, well I thought they were supposed to be pleasant, nice even. Maybe nice went out the window when the first one told me that since my car seat didn't have the frickin' sticker (the car seat is airline approved) we couldn't use it on the plane (did she know we just dragged the monster through the entire airport?!).
Next time, we are taking the train.
I get home and over the weekend make a real thanksgiving dinner--complete with mashed potatoes, real stuffing, and apple pie.
Then I wanted to set up the tree, I just love Christmas! Problem. Sam broke the tree on Christmas last year. I was the town idiot who took down the gate guarding it.
Trees are expensive. Ridiculously expensive. Found one pretty cheap, opened it up, *so excited*.. and it smelled like old people and smoke. Poof no more Christmas spirit.
Something about old people and smoke on the tree sucked it right out of me!
I decided to wash it. So for a whole day I had 6.5 feet of Christmas tree on towels in my kitchen. This was the same day I was stuck in my dress for 20 minutes. (I called for help and no one would pick up the phone). Also same day I went with the boys for Holiday Pictures! Oh Boy.
After five days of trying to get the tree up and decorated, I finally finished tonight.
Now on to the wrapping of current presents and the making of the rest. I really need to do this all year long, so I can enjoy this "season." Happy Holidays~

Sunday, November 18, 2007


I have so much to do before we leave. I've decided I have to get the boys to sleep by like 5pm in order for us all to wake up in time for the trip! I have so much to do but I keep putzing around on the internet! I just tried to put even more pictures on here.. but it errored on me and I don't have the energy to try again.
Have I mentioned how much I love space heaters? My office is the coldest room of the house. It is the only one over a crawl space. The heat is connected but for some reason this room is frigid. I told my dad about my frosty problem and he was like, "but it isn't even cold outside yet! how cold can it really be in there?"
His next suggestion was to wear gloves (great to type with or sew with) and a ski mask!
I can see it now. Nathan and Sam having nightmares about Mom's office.
Now I have a small, wonderful, space heater right next to my lil' toes. Ahhh.. it's the little things that make life wonderful!
I've wrapped up some jellies and have them individually bagged and surrounded by clothing for some gifting while I am in Louisiana. Don't have any clue what to take to the airport to keep the boys occupied for 2 hours of waiting to board. 2 hours on the plane. twice! 2-2-2.. hmm.. crayons are only going to get me so far.
I think I am going to make Sam wear a diaper for this little adventure. He can still go to the bathroom, but if we can't make it in time (when he says he has to go, well he has to go) I won't have to rip into my carry on and find another outfit.
I wonder if I should bring extra crib sheets/blankets for Nathan. I doubt the hotel has non-queen/king size sheets and blankets.
I have to write an offer tomorrow morning, drive to kingsville to take a picture of a house (doing a mini-appraisal, BPO, on it due by 1pm) and need to finish packing by the time I get the boys.
I am waiting to see what wrench will get thrown at me in the morning..
I'll have to take my laptop with me.. and plug in at the hotel. good thing about real estate. everything is on line.. well I won't be able to physically meet with people and show them houses.. but most stuff is right online.

Random Photos of the boys

Friday, November 16, 2007

Sky Pilot

I am so excited about going to Covington for thanksgiving. I am even happier that my dad is flying with me! WooHoo I don't have to try to juggle a three year old, a one and a half year old (Nathan is not a normal one and a half year old), car seats, luggage, laptops, tickets, did I mention little people that run in opposite directions when excited?!
*Sigh* It will be so nice to have help. It's the best kind of help too, the naive help! Poor 'Pa has no clue how much FUN this will be! hahahaha..
I have so much more to do before I go..
I can't believe how fast this year seemed to go.
It's already time for Sam to knock down the tree again! Already! I wonder if this year Nathan will beat him to it? The great tree race of 2007. I wish my video camera still worked. Quality entertainment.
Sam is so excited to fly! "like a bird mom?!" "me?!" "up high?!" "baby, too?" ear to ear smiling!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

A little electrical tape!

So my treadmill was delivered last night! Yea! I asked them if they could take it upstairs for me... half way up the electrical panel broke off.. great.
We *they* took it all the way up. We plugged it in ( to my already filled extension cord thing) and it worked! I just have to crazy glue and screw the thing back together.. In the mean time.. it's electrical tape all the way.
I need another extension cord until I can get someone to put in a new outlet for it.
I was on it for 10 minutes last night and then tried stretching... Goodness I'm out of shape!
Made jelly yesterday morning. If Nathan doesn't start letting me sleep past 6am soon, I might just have to get earplugs! Sam's even had enough, the other morning I was having a hard time getting up( it wasn't even 5 am yet) (we are all sick to boot) and Sam started yelling out, "Stop!!! , Pleaseeee Stop". "Ugh"
I used to think I was a morning person..
I know I'm not a night person (all the yawning at 9pm that just won't stop)
I'm not an afternoon person (nap time is quickly becoming my favorite part of the day)
I wonder what kind of person I am?!
Must just be the tired mommy who needs a vacation!
If I actually took a vacation, I would be a wreak wondering if the boys burned down the house or killed whoever was fortunate enough to watch them! Ah the joys of motherhood.
Sam was sick last week and Nathan is this week. I was sick for both. Can it possibly get any better?
That treadmill is like my new beacon of hope! Now all I need is a little electrical tape and an extension cord!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Breakin' on Through

Finally getting through the sickness. I did have strep and Sam gave it to me.. poor little scarlet fever infested child. Nathan was in everyone's face and nope, healthy little peanut!
I have to get Halloween put away now.. and get ready for the next big holiday. Thanksgiving. Why everyone decorates in Christmas theme in November.. i don't get it! The preschool was already playing Christmas music.
I love the Christmas season... but couldn't they wait until next week?

Heard from my brother. Seems he likes Kuwait.. said it was like a vacation (they have a gym and rec area and everything). Not good internet though.. Good to hear from him. I was getting a little worried.

Jake helped me insulate my attic and my room yesterday. It's like a pink palace up there! I noticed that the "blown in insulation" never was blown in in the attic! Some insulation people are coming today to tell me if the geniuses who lived in my house before me actually had people insulate the house, or if they just drilled holes all around the entire house. It's my luck that they just drilled the holes.. my gas bills from last year are starting to make sense!
Jake was so funny. He told me I should be a doctor (I'd love to be in peds). I told him that was a great idea. "Now," I asked him.. "how will I support myself while I go back to school?"
He thinks I just need to get a boyfriend with a good job to pay my bills. Right.. I asked him where those are kept.. For some reason there was no answer. Simple enough theory.. too bad there are no men around! I wonder if I could mail order a sugar daddy.

Did I tell you I'm getting a treadmill? I am so excited! I will be able to walk this winter when we have two feet of snow! I will be able to exercise every day, if I want! Have I mentioned I hate the cold? I can't move in the cold. It's just too cold!

Sold another house while I was sick. This once might actually close. One of the other ones from last month still hasn't closed. It doesn't have a deed yet! I told them not to list a house that was still in redemption.. should be any day we get the deed now.. The buyer's wife is due to have her baby any day too! Which will come first the chicken or the deed? Ahh.. the EXCITEMENT!