Thursday night. Time for a recap of the week already! Today was the Monthly Ashtabula County Board of Realtors meeting at the lodge. Last month we heard the people running for some public office all talking about weather or not they want to shut down the Geneva Lodge. At the meeting I asked our president if she had a spot for me somewhere, because I wanted to get more involved with Board of Realtors. Sure she said. Never heard from her. Even contacted the Vice-President and Past-President. Nothing. I speak with the Vice and Past on at least a weekly basis if not more. Slightly annoyed, but figured if they don't want a volunteer, I can volunteer elsewhere or join a different board (like Lake/Geauga). Today the president told me she been meaning to email me back, but has had a full inbox.. (don't know how she is doing much business if she can't email anyone..?..) so she has put me with the lady in charge of the cake toss. I tried to explain the cake toss to Liz last week.. it's something for hospice. we throw cakes at the Ashtabula Mall and somehow money comes from it. I asked Vicki, cake tosser chief, what she needed me to do. Thinking some cake baking was probably my job (good job for me!). No. She wants me to go around and get sponsors for the people getting cake hurtled at them. If there is one thing I really am not good at, really don't like to do.. fundraising. I told her I need information, like pamphlets, on hospice and what they use the money for and such. Someone over heard me and said, "What you want to parade a dying person around and ask for money?" Couldn't hurt. For some reason I was hoping to do something more real estate related over hospice related. Almost like I am a volunteer snob. Hm. Yep.
Got a new (to me) Mac Powerbook G4 and IPod Mini (6GB)! Still don't really know how to work them, but I'm slowly learning! Am getting the iPod down faster than the laptop. I love McLean. He is just the most generous gifter there is! Enough on that, because everyone who reads this has probably heard me rant and rave about the new electronics in my lives since the first box appeared on my door!
I also have been thinking that monthly a bunch of us are going to be getting together to cook/bake whatever (add alcohol) and just enjoy each other! Some have agreed to do it, I just have to get it set up. Easy enough.
Another deal dropped in mid-air today. The lending program this guy was qualified in was shut down in Ohio today. Am hoping someone buys one of my houses soon. Had a board of buyers filled up last month. One ended up being not qualified, another's lender told her to only work with a particular real estate agent (not really right), the rest dropped off the planet. This month, nothing except to keep trying with the fallen "buyers". It's really frustrating. I have houses listed for 17,900 (duplex) and a house that we are trying to drop down to 19,900. It's so ridiculous how low the prices are and they still aren't selling! That's Ashtabula for you! Thinking about switching offices, maybe companies. Since our old manager had to leave (health issues) our new manager and the economy has run us into the ground. We lost our advertising, our receptionists, and seem to pay more.
Mc left like over 700 songs on this thing.. Thriller.. This is GREAT!