Sunday, July 6, 2008

Bleach Plus Deer Blood Don't Mix

Fourth of July Weekend O8. Friday was calm, Liz came over and we had some food on the grill. Went over to her brother's new house, ate more food. Came home, listened to neighbors set off fireworks for a while. Comforted littles who woke up from all the racket!
Saturday, went fishing with my dad.. well Sam really was the one fishing (he caught 4 fish!), then we hung around the house for a while and then went to the park with Liz.
Sunday; cleaned up the house a little. Weeded the shade flower garden and planted some lavender. Got eaten up by bugs outside. Picked some berries and relaxed at the blue house some more. Went to the Berly's for dinner (wonderful!) and ate a delicious black raspberry yummy cobbler thing. Came home and wondered why my clean house smelled so bad. I mean it was BAD. I have the reed diffusers and scent this and scent that. I really can't stand stinky houses. I started smelling and looking around.. No diapers, not much in the trash can... go into the basement to find a jar for Sam's lightening bug.. and my goodness.. wtf?! I open the freezer to see if everything is frozen (about a week ago I thought I had left the freezer door open because some of the stuff became unfrozen). Nope.. everything is completely thawed out. Including the entire deer and the 5 gallon tub of ice cream in there. So I discovered that deer blood and ice cream (and a couple whole chickens and random animal parts) really can stink up a house. Two rolls of paper towels and a bunch of bleach later.. and all I can smell is the deer blood and bleach. Gross.

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